Array Scanning Service

Microarray Scanning Service

Our Array Scanning Service allows array users to send finished microarray slides to our lab for scanning on our microarray scanners. With this service, end users will receive original raw images in tiff format, which can be analyzed using a suitable image quantification software. Alternatively, if you prefer to let our team of scientists analyze the images, please visit the Image Analysis Service section.



Slides are scanned within 1 to 2 business day after they are received. Once scanning is completed, end user will receive an email notification with a link to download the images.


Array images will be delivered in tiff format by email.

A image quantification software program is required to view and quantify the images. Click on the button below to download a sample image you would receive with this service. Use this image to perform a test analysis to determine whether your software is suitable for quantification.


To use the scanning service, antibody microarray assays must be completed using Cy3-streptavidin, Cy5-streptavidin or equivalent. When alternative fluorescent dyes are used, the excitation and mission wavelengths must match those of Cy3 or Cy5; otherwise, the slides cannot be read on our systems.


  • Cy3 or equivalents:  Excitation Max: 550 nm; Emission Max: 570 nm
  • Cy5 or equivalents:  Excitation Max: 650 nm; Emission Max: 670 nm


  1. Complete antibody array assays using Cy3 or Cy5 labeled streptavidin (or equivalents).
  2. Dry the slides thoroughly.
  3. Place the slides in the original slide holder or a slide box.
  4. When using transparent slide holders, cover the holder with aluminum foil to protect the slides from light.
  5. Complete the Slide Submission Form and include it in the package.
  6. Send the package at room temperature within 1 week after completing the assay.

The Array Scanning Service may be ordered independently or with Image Analysis Service. Visit the Image Analysis Service section for instructions to add the image analysis service.

Array slides can be sent at room temperature. Pack the slides with sufficient protective packaging materials to prevent damages during transit. Use traceable shipping methods, such as FedEx or UPS.

Shipping address:

Attn: Array Scanning Service
Full Moon BioSystems, Inc.
754 North Pastoria Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
United States
Tel: 408.737.2875

The following documents are required for international shipment. They must be attached to the outside of the package.

1. Airway Bill

  • All transportation charges, duty and taxes, and fees must be paid by Sender. Shipments must be delivered duty paid (DDP). (Because the array slides are products of the USA, returning them back to the US is usually duty and tax free. If the required documents are incomplete or missing, duty and taxes may be assessed, and small processing fees may be assessed by USDA or FDA.)
  • Be sure to mark the correct billing option to avoid delays.
    • T/C (transportation charge): Sender
    • D/T (duty and taxes): Sender

2. Commercial Invoice – 3 copies

  • Blank commercial invoice forms can be found on your carrier’s website.
  • Use the following information to prepare your commercial invoice:
    • Item description: Antibody Array on Glass Slides
    • Commodity Code: 3822.90.000
    • Declared Value: $2
    • Shipping Remarks: Contents have no commercial value. Value declared for customs purpose only.
    • Country of Origin: USA

3. Shipper Declaration

Antibody arrays returned to us for scanning may be subject to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations and must be cleared by Customs and Border Protection Agricultural Specialists at the port of arrival before entry into the United States is authorized. A shipper’s declaration is required to accompany the shipment to ensure your package clears US customs quickly and smoothly. The declaration must be prepared on your official letterhead and signed by the sender.  Shipper Declaration Template